Neither brutal repression, nor torture, nor the curfew, nor fake concessions have stopped a movement that began as a secondary school students’ protest against Metro fare increases in Santiago and quickly became a national movement against the entire regime – against 30 years of cuts, increasing inequality, privatisation, attacks on the working class, deregulation, etc.
More than a million people demonstrated in Santiago de Chile on Friday 25 October, in what was called #LaMarchaMásGrandedeChile (Chile's largest march) – and certainly, it was, being larger than the NO campaign closing rally in 1988 that brought together a million people. The mobilisation on Friday was repeated in cities and communes throughout the country and took place one week after the declaration of the state of emergency, the militarisation of the streets and the curfew imposed by the Piñera government. A total of more than two million marched against the regime all over the country.